"The Wolf" serves as a conceptual demonstration. It portrays a herd navigating between light and darkness. The primary profile of this herd is depicted through 256 observations based on Sam Spratt's artwork, The Monument Game.
The entirety of the game is hosted on-chain and can be interacted with using the functions provided by the contract. You can explore these functions on Etherscan.
The game mechanics are straightforward, allowing anyone with an Ethereum wallet to participate. Players have the option to toggle between a state of construction (where profile characters are replaced by '1') and a state of darkness (where characters are replaced by '0'). Additionally, there's a function to "shred" the profile, which replaces certain characters based on the current state.
The game concludes when all characters have been substituted with '0' and '1'. This symbolizes the duality of human behaviors. Players can also view various statistics, such as the number of shreds that have occurred, the "alpha" wallet (which has the highest number of shreds), and the "omegas" (wallets that have only shredded once).